Family stay at the Robbesscheier

Where? 1, Frummeschgaass, L-9766 Munshausen 1 overnight stay(s)

Enjoy a memorable family stay at the Robbesscheier with full board, cozy rooms and exciting workshops in the heart of the Luxembourg Ardennes!

Price information

Adults: 120 euros | Children aged 3 to 10: 85 euros | Children under 3: Free


Enjoy an overnight stay at the Robbesscheier, in the heart of the Luxembourg Ardennes! The estate, located in the middle of nature, will welcome you in a private family room with full board. You can enjoy a full day of activities and choose from five workshops out of a dozen.


The price includes an overnight stay in a private room, full board (dinner on the day of your arrival, lunch and breakfast the next day) and a full day of entertainment from 10:20 am to 4:30 pm.

Family stay at the Robbesscheier

Partner offer: Tourist Center „Robbesscheier"

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Address: Tourist Center "Robbesscheier"
1, Frummeschgaass
L-9766 Munshausen
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© Linda Devisch
min.96.5 €per person
Going green in the Ardennes

  • 1 full breakfast
  • 1 supper (starter – main course – dessert) to take on the day of arrival
  • 1 today’s menu (starter – main course – dessert), to take on the day of arrival or the next day. A supplement will be asked if your menu is taken on Sunday noon
© Tourist Center Robbesscheier
min.200 €per person
Family trip in the authentic Ardennes

  • 2 full breakfast
  • 2 supper (starter – main course – dessert), one to take on the day of arrival
  • 1 today’s menu (starter – main course – dessert). A supplement will be asked if your menu is taken on Sunday noon. Drinks not included
  • 1 full day of entertainment in the Robbesscheier. It’s means 4 to 5 guided activities of your choice