© Parc naturel des deux Ourthes
Site celtique du Cheslé
2500 years after the "first inhabitants" settled here, your footsteps will follow the same paths. The reconstructions of some of the buildings will give you an idea of the scale of the work carried out on this rocky spur.
Culminating on a rocky promontory 80 metres above the Ourthe, the fortification extends over a plateau 725 m long and 290 m wide, covering an area of 13 hectares2. It is surrounded by a double rampart of earth, shale and wood that stretches for more than 1,750 metres and was remarkably improved throughout the Celtic occupation. Between the 8th and 2nd centuries BC, it was probably not occupied on a long-term basis, but served as a refuge for the inhabitants of neighbouring villages.
The promontory was originally accessed from the north via a rocky spur. Later, a wider, easier path was built a little to the west of the spur. The site is protected to the east, south and west by the steep slopes of the deep Ourthe valley, which forms a pronounced loop.