Monument B-17 The Joker
On 13 April 1944, an American plane, the "Joker", crashed into the side of the Crestelles hill after being hit by German forces, creating an opening in the landscape. Since then, the site has become a tourist attraction.
On 13 April 1944, the 8th Air Force bombed the Schweinfurt ball-bearing factories a few minutes after the Luftwaffe had attacked the unescorted formation during which Sgt James H. YOUNG, a machine-gunner aboard "The Joker", was killed. The aircraft was in distress, so the airmen jumped between Vielsalm and Bérismenil. Hearing a low-flying aircraft, the villagers of Bérismenil went out to see what was happening. Three parachutes were drifting across the sky. "The Joker hit the hill "Les Crestelles" at around 3.00 pm and the fire spread up the hill. On arrival at Les Crestelles, the mayor, Joseph MOTTET, and the villagers searched for any survivors, but found only the charred body of James YOUNG. Other villagers set about extinguishing the fire.